Ho. Ly. Shit. I feel like I was just talking to Neal about how awesome it would be if this happened. And wow, it did... Ever since Dead Space: Extraction was rereleased for PS3, this became an "I wish" title for me. This is actually the third announced PS3 remake of a Wii game (PS thWii-make, anyone? No?), The first two being No More Heroes and Dead Space: Extraction.
For those of you that missed out on the first go 'round, House of the Dead: Overkill is essentially a campy B-movie prequel to the series. The 'story' follows Agent G and His foul-mouthed partner Detective Isaac Washington as they blast their way through hordes of 'mutants' (the game does it's best to refrain from the use of the word 'zombie') to get to the evil Papa Caesar, the man responsible for the death of Isaac's father. Granted, it's still an on rails shooter, HotD:O kept things fresh with upgradable weapons and an addictive combo system. There was even an unlockable director's cut of the story mode unlocked after your first completion, offering different paths and extra scenes, as well as the option to simply add more enemies to the game. Overkill, however, was definitely held back by the restraints of the Wii's hardware. Occasional choppy graphics and frame stutter kept it from being an almost perfect experience, though still one of the best looking games on the Wii to this day.
Details thus far are scarce, but players of the PS3 upgrade will be able to expect two all-new scenarios, added trophy support, high-res graphics, and 3D support(!). No telling yet if it will be the same developer (Headstrong Games) bringing it over to the PS3. Release date is scheduled for October 25th here in the states. Check back with us for more updates in the future.