The newest creation of award-winning designer Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Rez, Lumines), Child of Eden is a "rhytm action game" that serves as the prequel to Rez. You are tasked with saving Project Lumi, an attempt at reproducing a human personality in Eden, from an oncoming virus attack across 5 uniquely designed levels, each with it's own environment.
Child of Eden is played like a traditional rail shooter, sending you down a predetermined path while shooting down the countless waves of enemies that appear. You are given 3 different distinctive attacks at your disposal: the standard multi target lock-on laser, the tracer attack that fires a rapid stream of bullets, and all powerful Euphoria attack that unleashes a powerful burst of energy destroying everything on the screen. Child of Eden also makes full use of the Kinect sensor for Xbox 360, allowing you to switch between weapons by switching hands or a simple clap.
Though the gameplay doesn't seem like much, Child of Eden isn't meant to be a game that's played for the sake of playing it. It's a game that demands to be experienced. Much like Rez, music plays a big part of the experience. Though it has no actual affect on gameplay, every action you make while playing Child of Eden becomes a part of the soundtrack (provided by the Genki Rockets). Different attacks and enemies will play different notes that all play along with the music. For added effect, players are able to sync up 4 controllers to vibrate in rhythm with the music and the actions you make while playing (this feature was also available in Rez HD).
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Child of Eden,
Xbox 360