Xenoblade, Pandora's Tower, and The Last Story are finally some 3rd party games for the Wii you know you want. Well, Nintendo is here to say you can't have them.
Okay, it's not a definite "no," but they didn't exactly give an uplifting answer either. Yesterday, Nintendo posted this on their Facebook page: "Thank you for your enthusiasm. We promised an update, so here it is. We never say “never,” but we can confirm that there are no plans to bring these three games to the Americas at this time. Thanks so much for your passion, and for being such great fans!"
Seriously? After so many people wrote letters to them asking for these games, they're still not going to do it? I specifically remember Reggie Fils-Aime, at Nintendo's E3 press conference, saying "We hear you. You want what you’ve always wanted. But you also want something new. You want to play things and things to look like they always have. But you want the buzz of the new. You want comfortable, and you want surprise." I don't think you quite heard us, Nintendo.
Don't get me wrong. Nintendo's line-up is something I am looking forward to. Games like Zelda: Skyward Sword, Super Mario, Luigi's Mansion 2, etc. are all day one musts for me. But that's still the "comfortable." Where's our "surprise?" It's decisions like this that also make me wonder if 3rd party support really will be any better for WiiU. Here's your chance Nintendo. Show us you care about surprises! You're giving all three of these titles to Japan, two of them to Europe (The Last Story and Xenoblade), but you're going to deny us here in the Americas all of them?
I just...don't get it, Nintendo. I don't...