impressions - motorstorm apocalypse

I wasn't really sure to expect when I found out that the newest Motorstorm was going to take place in a post-apocalyptic city. The last two PS3 titles were so beautiful and rich with color and vegetation. All the screen shots for Apocalypse just looked so dull and dreary, I couldn't imagine it holding up to the others. I was wrong. So very wrong.

Motorstorm Apocalypse is definitely a showcase title for the series. The environments are incredible and the gameplay has been taken to the extreme. The other games definitely had their tense moments during races, but Apocalypse takes the intensity to a whole new level. There are so many moments when you just feel so helpless as the building you're driving through is crumbling down or the walls are collapsing around you as you're already fighting for first and dodging through debris. And the game does this all gorgeously. I never thought destruction could be so pretty.

The gameplay formula for Apocalypse is, for the most part, the same as the others. Vehicles seem to really grip to the track this around, not sure if it's the terrain being mostly asphalt or this is an actual gameplay change. Either way, it's a welcome one. Weaving in and out of debris and wreckage is easily accomplished. That doesn't mean that it's easy, I have definitely had my share of crashing through levels. Veterans of the series shouldn't be shocked at this one. Crashing aside, amidst all the chaos, I've yet to have any trouble navigating through the tracks. Evolution studios did a great job making sure you know where to turn at all times without the use of a full blown navigation arrow. Tracks are littered with street signs showing you what direction to head without being overbearing or taking away from the experience.

So far, Motorstorm Apocalypse is looking to be quite the racing package.